Thursday, September 3, 2009

Husat i save long tok Inglis? (Does anyone here speak English?)

Although there are over 800 indigenous languages in Papua New Guinea, Tok Pisin (or Melanesian Pidgin English) is one of the country’s three national languages, but it is hardly spoken universally in PNG. Following are some basic English phrases translated into Tok-Pisin. We’ll be using some of these, to be sure, but we’ll also keep a translator close at hand.

Englis-to-Tok Pisin Translations

Hello = Gude (goo-DAY)

Hello (informal) = Hi. Hai. (HIGH)

How are you? = Yu stap gut? (you stahp goot?)

What is your name? = Husat nem bilong yu? (HOO-zaht naym bee-LONG yoo)

My name is _____. = Nem bilong mi emi _____. (naym bee-LONG mee em ee ______.)

Nice to meet you. = Gutpela long bungim yu. (GOOT-peh-lah long BOONG-im YOO)

Please. = Plis (plees)

Thank you. = Tenkyu (TENK-yoo)

You’re welcome. = Nogat samtin. (NO-gaht sahm-ting)

Yes. = Yes. (YESS)

No. = nogat. (no-GAHT)

Excuse me. = Skius. (skyooz)

I’m (very) sorry. = Mi sori [tumas]

Goodbye = Gutbai (GOOT-bigh)

Goodbye (informal) = Lukim you bihain. (LOO-keem yoo bee-HIGHN)

I can’t speak tok Pisin [well]. = Mi no save[gut] long Tok Pisin. (mee noh SAH-vay long tohk pisin.)

Do you speak English? = Yu save long tok Inglis, a? (Yoo SAH-veh long tohkING-glis?)

Is there someone here who speaks English? = Husat i save long tok Inglis? (hoo-ZAHT ee SAH-veh long tohk ING-glis?)

PNG words for the fruits of the Spirit

Love: laikim tru = love or like very much

Joy: amamas = joy or happiness

Peace: bel isi = restful emotions or being in a state of rest or peace

Patience: no belhat kwik = not getting angry quickly

Kindness: helpim ol man = helping others

Goodness: makim gutpela pasin = do good things, or the habit of doing good

Gentleness: I stap isi = being in a state of rest or peace

Faithfulness: wokabaut stret oltaim = walking straight all the time

Self Control: daunim laik bilong olpela bel = down, or suppress the desires of your old self